User Role Management

Created 2 years ago
@RachelProfile is locked. Login

Managing the roles of users in a community is one of the crucial aspects of maintaining a community you are building. At Habitate, our role management starts with the member directory.

Users are classified as; Visitor, Member, Moderator, and Admin. The hierarchy from bottom to top starting from Visitor to Admin.

Visitor - A visitor is someone who visits your public community and does not log in to your community. He/she is often referred to as a guest. 

Permission - A visitor or guest can simply view all publicly available content on the community. But, he/she won’t be able to contribute or participate until the guest signs in.



Member - Member is someone who has either transitioned from the state of visitor or someone who has directly joined your community. Either ways, member is someone who has signed up and joined your community

Permission - A member can view all publicly available content and can contribute in a community by liking posts, replying to the posts or writing a post, report a post as spam, edit their own post, and move their own post while editing.

Moderator - Only a member can be a moderator. Moderator is someone who sets the tone in your community, keeps your community stick to the topic while sharing opinions, and maintains community decorum. 

Permission - Moderator has the ability to delete users' posts, report a post as spam, approve a post or reject a post in a moderation enabled board and also gets to see the members in member directory (other info of member will not be visible) apart from posting, commenting, replying 


Admin - Admin is at the top of the hierarchy. An admin is someone who could monitor moderator, visitor, member, has the top level control of community and also set up the entire community 


Permission - Apart from what a member and moderator can do, the admin can create, set up a community and assign roles for members. 

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